Vetrite Gem Glass & Onigem

Project Exclusive loft in Milan PARETI RICCHE DI DETTAGLI WALLS RICH IN DETAILS FURNITURE by SICIS Divano ∙ Sofa BOTERO Tavolini ∙ Side tables RAY LOW AND HIGH Le lastre Onigem, tagliate in larghezze diverse, consentono di creare composizioni creative e originali, alternandole con altri materiali. Onigem slabs, cut in different widths, allow you to obtain creative and original compositions by alternating them with other materials. PINK Slab A,B,C Parete ∙ Wall Solid 120x280 cm Finiture ∙ Finishes p. 282 SIMBOLOGIA ∙ SYMBOLS Right side rotated 180° Left side rotated 180° Left side Right side 193 an exclusive collection by 192