Vetrite Gem Glass & Onigem

INSTALLAZIONI PITTORICHE PICTORIAL INSTALLATIONS Ho scelto Gem Glass a parete per lo straordinario effetto decorativo. La suggestione dei disegni e dei colori dialoga in armonia con lo stile degli arredi progettati da SICIS.” “I chose Gem Glass on the wall for its stunning decorative effect. The suggestion of the designs and the colours has a harmonious dialogue with the style of the furniture designed by SICIS.” Project Private house in London SUNBURST Parete ∙ Wall Chrome 120x280 cm Finiture ∙ Finishes p. 264 Montaggio ∙ Mounting p. 288 Anne F., Interior Decorator “ FURNITURE by SICIS Poltroncina ∙ Armchair AMARETTO Pouf AMARETTO Tavolino ∙ Coffee table KORO Lampada da tavolo ∙ Table lamp LESCOT Lampadario ∙ Chandelier OSCAR 13 12 an exclusive collection by