SICIS - Mars Coffee Table Catalogue

MADE IN ITALY mars co f f ee t ab l e

mars co f f ee t ab l e

mars cof fee table de s i g n ed b y Ma s s i m i l i a n o Ragg i 3 mars

La forza e la flessibilità del vetro, rappresentano in questo tavolo il fascino della natura e la sua immensità. L’armonia delle forme e la scelta dei materiali innovativi, lo rende un pezzo di design capace di adattarsi continuamente all’impostazione delle abitazioni contemporanee e ai nuovi modi che le persone trovano per viverle. Tutto deve avere un'anima e un motivo per esistere, una semplicità seducente che va al di là delle regole di stile e si fonde con capacità di creare oggetti che vivono insieme a noi. Una bellezza modernista. Una mescolanza di razionalismo e poesia, calma e riflessione. Un tavolo che ricorda la danza di una ballerina, soave dai movimenti ben impostati. mars cof fee table The power and flexibility of glass represent both the charm and the unlimitedness of Nature in this table. The harmony of shapes and the selection of innovative materials make it a design object capable of continuously adapting to the style of contemporary houses and the new ways people choose to live them. Everything needs to have a soul and a reason to exist, a seductive simplicity that goes beyond the rigid style rules and merges with the ability to create “living objects”. A modernist beauty. A mixture of rationalism and poetry, calm and reflection. A table that resembles the gentle and well-designed dancer’s movements. 5 mars


cof fee table mars_big 140cm. 7 mars

SOLUTION 01 mars_big_140 vetri te - waves _ legno - laccato nero lucido vetri te - waves _ wood - glossy black pol i shed

9 mars


mars_big_M1 vetri te - waves _ legno - laccato nero lucido vetri te - waves _ wood - glossy black pol i shed Riconoscere l’autenticità di un prodotto è essenziale, la garanzia che tutto questo è creato in maniera artigianale e con materiali di qualità. Uno speciale sigillo apposto sul tavolo, diventa l’ultimo tocco di elegante ricercatezza di questo oggetto. Recognizing the authenticity of a product is essential, it guarantees that all it's created in an artisan way and with high-quality materials. A special seal affixed on the table becomes the last touch of elegant sophistication of this object. 11 mars

mars_big_M1 vetri te - waves _ legno - laccato nero lucido vetri te - waves _ wood - glossy black pol i shed 12

13 mars

La colonnina in vetro artistico Un dettaglio per esplorare il legame tra luminosità e creatività. Una lavorazione artigianale per plasmare la luce attraverso la trasparenza. 14

Artistic glass rod A detail made to explore the connection between brightness and creativity. A handcrafted work created to shape light through transparency. 15 mars

95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] coffee table big - options Mars Big_M1 140x95x40 cm_55"x37"x153/ 4" Mars Big_M1 in abbinamento con / matched wi th techn ical data Tavol ino con st rut tura infer iore in legno curvato e Top nel le var iant i legno o Vet r i te curvat i . Inser t i metal l ici in f ini tura lucida o sat inata con inser to di col legamento t ra i l piano infer iore e i l piano super iore in tubo di vet ro t rasparente decorato. Cof fee table wi th lower st ructure in curved wood wi th top in curved wood or Vet r i te. Metal inser ts in pol ished or sat in f inish connect ing inser t between lower and upper shel f in decorated t ransparent glass tube. 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] g lass - vetro 140x95 g lass - vetro 140x95 g lass - vetro 140x95 wood - legno 140x75 Mars Big_M1 140x95x40_55"x37"x153/ 4 Mars Big_M4 140x75x40_55"x29"x153/ 4 Vetr i te Waves_legno laccato nero lucido Vet r i te Waves_wood glossy black lacquer Vetr i te Waves_legno laccato nero lucido Vet r i te Waves_wood glossy black pol ished Legno laccato nero lucido Wood glossy black pol ished 16

coffee table smal l - options Mars Smal l_M5 110x75x40_43"x29"x153/4 techn ical data Tavol ino con st rut tura infer iore in legno curvato e Top nel le var iant i legno o Vet r i te curvat i . Inser t i metal l ici in f ini tura lucida o sat inata con inser to di col legamento t ra i l piano infer iore e i l piano super iore in tubo di vet ro t rasparente decorato. Cof fee table wi th lower st ructure in curved wood wi th top in curved wood or Vet r i te. Metal inser ts in pol ished or sat in f inish connect ing inser t between lower and upper shel f in decorated t ransparent glass tube. g lass - vetro 1 10x75 g lass - vetro 1 10x75 g lass - vetro 1 10x75 wood - legno 1 10x55 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] Mars Smal l_M5 110x75x40_43"x29"x153/ 4 Mars Smal l_M8 110x55x40_43"x21"x153/ 4 Vetr i te Waves_legno laccato nero lucido Vet r i te Waves_wood glossy black pol ished Legno laccato nero lucido Wood glossy black pol ished Vetr i te Waves_legno laccato nero lucido Vet r i te Waves_wood glossy black lacquer Mars Smal l_M5 in abbinamento con / matched wi th 17 mars

SOLUTION 02 mars_big_140 vetri te - frost _ legno - rovere grigio opaco vetri te - frost _ wood - matt gray oak

19 mars


21 mars


mars_big_M1+M4 23 mars

coffee table big - options Tavol ino con st rut tura infer iore in legno curvato e Top nel le var iant i legno o Vet r i te curvat i . Inser t i metal l ici in f ini tura lucida o sat inata con inser to di col legamento t ra i l piano infer iore e i l piano super iore in tubo di vet ro t rasparente decorato. Cof fee table wi th lower st ructure in curved wood wi th top in curved wood or Vet r i te. Metal inser ts in pol ished or sat in f inish connect ing inser t between lower and upper shel f in decorated t ransparent glass tube. 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] g lass - vetro 140x95 g lass - vetro 140x95 g lass - vetro 140x95 wood - legno 140x75 techn ical data Mars Big_M1 140x95_55"x37" Mars Big_M1 140x95_55"x37" Mars Big_M4 140x75_55"x29" Vetr i te Frost_legno rovere gr igio opaco Vet r i te Frost_wood mat t gray oak Legno rovere gr igio opaco Wood mat t gray oak Vetr i te Frost_legno rovere gr igio opaco Vet r i te Frost_wood mat t gray oak Mars Big_M1 in abbinamento con / matched wi th 24

coffee table smal l - options Tavol ino con st rut tura infer iore in legno curvato e Top nel le var iant i legno o Vet r i te curvat i . Inser t i metal l ici in f ini tura lucida o sat inata con inser to di col legamento t ra i l piano infer iore e i l piano super iore in tubo di vet ro t rasparente decorato. Cof fee table wi th lower st ructure in curved wood wi th top in curved wood or Vet r i te. Metal inser ts in pol ished or sat in f inish connect ing inser t between lower and upper shel f in decorated t ransparent glass tube. g lass - vetro 1 10x75 g lass - vetro 1 10x75 g lass - vetro 1 10x75 wood - legno 1 10x55 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] techn ical data Mars Smal l_M5 110x75_43"x29" Mars Smal l_M5 110x75_43"x29" Mars Smal l_M8 110x55_43"x21" Vetr i te Frost_legno rovere gr igio opaco Vet r i te Frost_wood mat t gray oak Legno rovere gr igio opaco Wood mat t gray oak Vetr i te Frost_legno rovere gr igio opaco Vet r i te Frost_wood mat t gray oak Mars Smal l_M5 in abbinamento con / matched wi th 25 mars

SOLUTION 03 mars_big_140 vetri te - boulder _ legno - rovere grigio opaco vetri te - boulder_ wood - matt gray oak

27 mars


29 mars

Mars_Big_M1+M1 30

31 mars

coffee table big - options Tavol ino con st rut tura infer iore in legno curvato e Top nel le var iant i legno o Vet r i te curvat i . Inser t i metal l ici in f ini tura lucida o sat inata con inser to di col legamento t ra i l piano infer iore e i l piano super iore in tubo di vet ro t rasparente decorato. Cof fee table wi th lower st ructure in curved wood wi th top in curved wood or Vet r i te. Metal inser ts in pol ished or sat in f inish connect ing inser t between lower and upper shel f in decorated t ransparent glass tube. 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] g lass - vetro 140x95 g lass - vetro 140x95 g lass - vetro 140x95 wood - legno 140x75 techn ical data Mars Big_M1 140x95_55"x37" Mars Big_M1 140x95_55"x37" Mars Big_M4 140x75_55"x29" Vetr i te Boulder_legno rovere gr igio opaco Vet r i te Boulder_wood mat t gray oak Legno rovere gr igio opaco Wood mat t gray oak Vetr i te Boulder_legno rovere gr igio opaco Vet r i te Boulder_wood mat t gray oak Mars Big_M1 in abbinamento con / matched wi th 32

coffee table smal l - options Tavol ino con st rut tura infer iore in legno curvato e Top nel le var iant i legno o Vet r i te curvat i . Inser t i metal l ici in f ini tura lucida o sat inata con inser to di col legamento t ra i l piano infer iore e i l piano super iore in tubo di vet ro t rasparente decorato. Cof fee table wi th lower st ructure in curved wood wi th top in curved wood or Vet r i te. Metal inser ts in pol ished or sat in f inish connect ing inser t between lower and upper shel f in decorated t ransparent glass tube. g lass - vetro 1 10x75 g lass - vetro 1 10x75 g lass - vetro 1 10x75 wood - legno 1 10x55 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] techn ical data Mars Smal l_M5 110x75_43"x29" Mars Smal l_M5 110x75_43"x29" Mars Smal l_M8 110x55_43"x21" Vetr i te Boulder_legno rovere gr igio opaco Vet r i te Boulder_wood mat t gray oak Legno rovere gr igio opaco Wood mat t gray oak Vetr i te Boulder_legno rovere gr igio opaco Vet r i te Boulder_wood mat t gray oak Mars Smal l_M5 in abbinamento con / matched wi th 33 mars

SOLUTION 04 mars_big_140 vetri te - neve _ legno - ebano macassar lucido vetri te - neve_ wood - ebony macassar shiny

35 mars


37 mars


mars_big_M1+M4 39 mars

coffee table big - options Tavol ino con st rut tura infer iore in legno curvato e Top nel le var iant i legno o Vet r i te curvat i . Inser t i metal l ici in f ini tura lucida o sat inata con inser to di col legamento t ra i l piano infer iore e i l piano super iore in tubo di vet ro t rasparente decorato. Cof fee table wi th lower st ructure in curved wood wi th top in curved wood or Vet r i te. Metal inser ts in pol ished or sat in f inish connect ing inser t between lower and upper shel f in decorated t ransparent glass tube. 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] g lass - vetro 140x95 g lass - vetro 140x95 g lass - vetro 140x95 wood - legno 140x75 techn ical data Mars Big_M1 140x95_55"x37" Mars Big_M1 140x95_55"x37" Mars Big_M4 140x75_55"x29" Vetr i te Neve_legno ebano macassar lucido Vetr i te Neve_wood ebony macassar shiny Legno ebano macassar lucido Wood ebony macassar shiny Vetr i te Neve_legno ebano macassar lucido Vetr i te Neve_wood ebony macassar shiny Mars Big_M1 in abbinamento con / matched wi th 40

coffee table smal l - options Tavol ino con st rut tura infer iore in legno curvato e Top nel le var iant i legno o Vet r i te curvat i . Inser t i metal l ici in f ini tura lucida o sat inata con inser to di col legamento t ra i l piano infer iore e i l piano super iore in tubo di vet ro t rasparente decorato. Cof fee table wi th lower st ructure in curved wood wi th top in curved wood or Vet r i te. Metal inser ts in pol ished or sat in f inish connect ing inser t between lower and upper shel f in decorated t ransparent glass tube. g lass - vetro 1 10x75 g lass - vetro 1 10x75 g lass - vetro 1 10x75 wood - legno 1 10x55 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] techn ical data Mars Smal l_M5 110x75_43"x29" Mars Smal l_M5 110x75_43"x29" Mars Smal l_M8 110x55_43"x21" Vetr i te Neve_legno ebano macassar lucido Vetr i te Neve_wood ebony macassar shiny Legno ebano macassar lucido Wood ebony macassar shiny Vetr i te Neve_legno ebano macassar lucido Vetr i te Neve_wood ebony macassar shiny Mars Smal l_M5 in abbinamento con / matched wi th 41 mars

SOLUTION 05 mars_big_140 vetri te - l ignin _ legno - ebano macassar lucido vetri te - l ignin_ wood - ebony macassar shiny

43 mars


45 mars


47 mars

mars_big_M1+M1 vetri te - l ignin _ legno - ebano macassar lucido vetri te - l ignin_ wood - ebony macassar shiny 48

49 mars

coffee table big - options Tavol ino con st rut tura infer iore in legno curvato e Top nel le var iant i legno o Vet r i te curvat i . Inser t i metal l ici in f ini tura lucida o sat inata con inser to di col legamento t ra i l piano infer iore e i l piano super iore in tubo di vet ro t rasparente decorato. Cof fee table wi th lower st ructure in curved wood wi th top in curved wood or Vet r i te. Metal inser ts in pol ished or sat in f inish connect ing inser t between lower and upper shel f in decorated t ransparent glass tube. 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] g lass - vetro 140x95 g lass - vetro 140x95 g lass - vetro 140x95 wood - legno 140x75 techn ical data Mars Big_M1 140x95_55"x37" Mars Big_M1 140x95_55"x37" Mars Big_M4 140x75_55"x29" Vetr i te Lignin_legno ebano macassar lucido Vetr i te Lignin_wood ebony macassar shiny Legno ebano macassar lucido Wood ebony macassar shiny Vetr i te Lignin_legno ebano macassar lucido Vetr i te Lignin_wood ebony macassar shiny Mars Big_M1 in abbinamento con / matched wi th 50

coffee table smal l - options Tavol ino con st rut tura infer iore in legno curvato e Top nel le var iant i legno o Vet r i te curvat i . Inser t i metal l ici in f ini tura lucida o sat inata con inser to di col legamento t ra i l piano infer iore e i l piano super iore in tubo di vet ro t rasparente decorato. Cof fee table wi th lower st ructure in curved wood wi th top in curved wood or Vet r i te. Metal inser ts in pol ished or sat in f inish connect ing inser t between lower and upper shel f in decorated t ransparent glass tube. g lass - vetro 1 10x75 g lass - vetro 1 10x75 g lass - vetro 1 10x75 wood - legno 1 10x55 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] techn ical data Mars Smal l_M5 110x75_43"x29" Mars Smal l_M5 110x75_43"x29" Mars Smal l_M8 110x55_43"x21" Vetr i te Lignin_legno ebano macassar lucido Vetr i te Lignin_wood ebony macassar shiny Legno ebano macassar lucido Wood ebony macassar shiny Vetr i te Lignin_legno ebano macassar lucido Vetr i te Lignin_wood ebony macassar shiny Mars Smal l_M5 in abbinamento con / matched wi th 51 mars


cof fee table mars_smal l 110cm.

SOLUTION 06 mars_smal l_1 10 vetri te - grain _ legno - laccato avorio lucido vetri te - grain_ wood - ivory lacquer shiny

55 mars


57 mars


59 mars

mars_smal l_M5+M8 vetri te - grain _ legno - laccato avorio lucido vetri te - grain_ wood - ivory lacquer shiny 60

61 mars

95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] coffee table big - options techn ical data Tavol ino con st rut tura infer iore in legno curvato e Top nel le var iant i legno o Vet r i te curvat i . Inser t i metal l ici in f ini tura lucida o sat inata con inser to di col legamento t ra i l piano infer iore e i l piano super iore in tubo di vet ro t rasparente decorato. Cof fee table wi th lower st ructure in curved wood wi th top in curved wood or Vet r i te. Metal inser ts in pol ished or sat in f inish connect ing inser t between lower and upper shel f in decorated t ransparent glass tube. 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 4"] 4"] g lass - vetro 140x95 g lass - vetro 140x95 g lass - vetro 140x95 wood - legno 140x75 Mars Big_M1 140x95_55"x37" Mars Big_M1 140x95_55"x37" Mars Big_M4 140x75_55"x29" Vetr i te Grain_legno laccato avor io lucido Vetr i te Grain_wood ivory lacquer shiny Legno laccato avor io lucido Wood ivory lacquer shiny Vetr i te Grain_legno laccato avor io lucido Vetr i te Grain_wood ivory lacquer shiny Mars Big_M1 in abbinamento con / matched wi th 62

coffee table smal l - options techn ical data Tavol ino con st rut tura infer iore in legno curvato e Top nel le var iant i legno o Vet r i te curvat i . Inser t i metal l ici in f ini tura lucida o sat inata con inser to di col legamento t ra i l piano infer iore e i l piano super iore in tubo di vet ro t rasparente decorato. Cof fee table wi th lower st ructure in curved wood wi th top in curved wood or Vet r i te. Metal inser ts in pol ished or sat in f inish connect ing inser t between lower and upper shel f in decorated t ransparent glass tube. g lass - vetro 1 10x75 g lass - vetro 1 10x75 g lass - vetro 1 10x75 wood - legno 1 10x55 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 0 3/4"] 0 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] Mars Smal l_M5 110x75_43"x29" Mars Smal l_M5 110x75_43"x29" Mars Smal l_M8 110x55_43"x21" Vetr i te Grain_legno laccato avor io lucido Vetr i te Grain_wood ivory lacquer shiny Legno laccato avor io lucido Wood ivory lacquer shiny Vetr i te Grain_legno laccato avor io lucido Vetr i te Grain_wood ivory lacquer shiny Mars Smal l_M5 in abbinamento con / matched wi th 63 mars

Mars Big _ M2 140x95 - legno/legno _ 55"x37" - wood/wood 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] Mars Big _ M1 140x95 - vetro/legno _ 55"x37" - glass/wood 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [5 1/8"] 140 [5 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [5 1/8"] 140 [5 1/8"] Mars Big _ M3 140x75 - vetro/legno _ 55"x29" - glass/wood 95 [37 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 75 [29 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 40 [15 3/4"] 75 40 [15 3/4"] 140 Mars Big _ M4 140x75 - legno/legno _ 55"x29" - wood/wood mars big - codici /codes 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 95 [37 1/2"] 95 [37 3/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 140 [55 1/8"] 64

Mars Small _ M6 110x75 - legno/legno _ 43"x29" - wood/wood 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] Mars Small _ M5 110x75 - vetro/legno _ 43"x29" - glass/wood 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] Mars Big _ M7 110x55 - vetro/legno _ 43"x21" - glass/wood 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 55 [21 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 /8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] Mars Small _ M8 110x55 - legno/legno _ 43"x21" - wood/wood 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 40 [15 3/4"] 55 [21 3/4"] 55 [21 5/8"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [43 1/4"] mars smal l - codici /codes 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [ 3 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [ 3 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [ 3 1/4"] 75 [29 5/8"] 75 [29 1/2"] 40 [15 3/4"] 110 [ 3 1/4"] 65 mars

mars big structure f inish lacquer , metal , oak Metallo champagne opaco Champagne matt metal Laccatura nera black lacquer Ebano Macassar opaco Ebony macassar opaque Ebano Macassar lucido Ebony macassar shiny Rovere Grigio opaco Matt gray oak Laccatura avorio Ivory lacquer matt shiny matt shiny Ebano Ammara lucido Ammara Ebony shiny Ebano Ammara opaco Ammara ebony opaque mars big - M1 140x95x40 cm La varietà delle tre tipologie di legni (rovere, macassar, ebano) e le infinite possibilità di laccature RAL su richiesta. Materiali pregiati e concreti, per personalizzare ogni minima finitura. The multiplicity of three types of woods (oak, macassar, ebony) and the infinite possibilities of RAL lacquering upon request. Precious and concrete materials, to customize even the smallest detail. mars big - f initure/f inishing 66

mars smal l matt shiny matt shiny structure f inish lacquer , metal , oak Metallo champagne opaco Champagne matt metal Laccatura nera black lacquer Ebano Macassar opaco Ebony macassar opaque Ebano Macassar lucido Ebony macassar shiny Rovere Grigio opaco Matt gray oak Laccatura avorio Ivory lacquer Ebano Ammara lucido Ammara Ebony shiny Ebano Ammara opaco Ammara Ebony opaque mars smal l - (M5 1 10x75X40 cm. mars smal l - f initure/f inishing 67 mars

VETRITE GEM GLASS Agata Blue Fable Punctum Agata Lilla Frost Reef Aurora Galaxy River Bloomer Grain Rock Boulder Ignite Sepia Canyon Lagoon Solferino Cave Lake Sunburst mars big and smal l - di ffuser glass f inish Chroma Cliff Clouds Corundum Crater Crimson Crystallised 68

Landscape Terrain Lignin Unakite Magma Vulcano Mahogany Waves Neve Pangea Red A Pangea Red B Natural Turchese Gold Fuxia VETRITE ELECTRIC MARBLE Le fantasie di Vetrite GemGlass, dalle nuance affascinanti, sono state selezionati da esperti gemmologi tra tagli di pietre ricercate. Per realizzare il tavolo Mars si possono scegliere le gemme che meglio interpretano il nostro gusto personale. Gem Glass fascinating nuances have been selected by experts gemologists from precious stones cuts. To create the Mars table, you can pick the gem that best interprets your taste. 69 mars

VETRITE SIGHT COLLECTION Accra 01 Venezia 01 Accra 02 Venezia 02 Dubai 01 Hanoi 01 Hanoi 02 Hanoi 02 B&N Los Angeles 01 mars big and smal l - di ffuser glass f inish LosAngeles 02 Milano 01 Milano 02 Roma 01 Roma 02 Shanghai 01 Shanghai 02 La collezione è molto ricca, i 16 pattern sono stati elaborati a mano e poi rielaborati al computer, poi nuovamente graficizzati. Lo Studio Piva è partito da semplici grafie, fotografie, lavorazioni ad acquarello o a tempera che richiamano le macchie di Rorschach. The collection is very rich, the 16 patterns have been designed by hand and then elaborated with a computer, then newly turned into graphic. Studio Piva started from simple glyphs, photographs, watercolour or tempera works that remind Rorschach inkblots. 70

Vetr i te Shanghai 02_legno laccato avor io lucido Vetr i te Shanghai 02_wood ivory lacquer shiny

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