SICIS Jakuchu Collection

Jakuchu far the one made of precious stones and metals, such as gold. It has gone beyond the creation of surfaces or products, allowing the use of mosaic in anyfield. SICIS is, more than anything, a factory of arti­ sts, artisans, glassmakers, mosaicists, who crea­ te and reinterpret the musive culture. They are inspired by the city ofRavenna, historical land of mosaic, where they have their seat, thus absor­ bing its memory. SICISproductsare 100% Made in Italy certified. Each work, each new project is studied and re­ alized within this creative forge, and they find their inspiration in a research about territories linked to the artistic world, which is carried on by the creative team as well as by the founder himself. It was during a trip to Japan that Placuz­ zi had the chance of meeting the works by the painter Jakuchii, which fascinated him. Back in his ateliers in Ravenna, he decided to study in depth the Japanese art of painting, and he saw that the Shinto thought was very dose tho the philosophy of SICIS. Thanks to this study, and because of that similarity of sensitivity, they decided to recreate some of his works with the technique of mosaic, micro-mosaic and minute mosaic, which brilliantly convey the perfection of details, recognizable in the works of the pain­ ter as his identifying feature. By doing so, SICIS intends to pay homage to this great Japanese painter, whose tercentenary will occur in 2016. k o *kt�1?�cfu��ff�t>�ffl���� -s,c l.,,�!lo/.J�mit->��O)ilJ����L,"��* L.,tc o srcrs,i * 91P1� tJ :t� v1\r•, e li:L n' -5Àl!l A,t�1?JllAO)Im�°9 o -tutfJt.6,it� 1?O)�5e.B{J�,j)!fu� a5 tJ SICIStf *ti� ffl;t �7�I���b1�À�l.,,-�3���,"t0) ic•l:l�!P'.111'.:dttt· 1 :f1?:z1t:�iu�u-tutM M�Rut\,\�0)�90 -tu-CSICIS ti0)��,i100%)(1 �·1�·1 � 1 )-�®�i::è��t) ,e L,"""("\,\*9 o a56����,®6��ffik�7 □ YI?�� i::O)ilJ�O)imB.iUfu,e�\,\ -e��, ;lJ�d n *9 U,? 1 ) .I17-{ "';f7-D. ,e j_J □ ;{_ EIJ ��§�ff. $t iiJHc.ll-::> -e� 6i'J��v1\r1!t� ,e ittaV-:>\,\te± �O)��,-tt1i::-t�1�À�L,,-�3�0)­ *�0)c'90 7-5?��-1�8*����,6�0)-�� ��m�ffl!��f�,-tn6,c�7dt1*utc o -5 �I��0)7��.I���è9��B*O)•� �v1\r�� < �� L,�-3è�;t,B * O)t$�B{J tJ: �xtf·SICISt±O)!'.f�,cffi6ì'JtJlI\,\i::è��� L,*ute o i::O)iuf�tJ,6,*d,ci::O)��•tiO)JlI dO)te6i'J ,e, 6;tj:lO)11=�O)\,\<-::> tJ,�t· 1 :f'1? O)f.Rvl\f�Mm L,�-3èi�1ì) L,teO)c'°9 o M!�,c a5 te-::> -e ,i,6;tj:lO)fl=�,e%=�O),IW� ,e 6;tj:l 11=�te.è *IJ l.llJ���-tO)Ml$O)MltJ,tJ:fii�� �� L,teiEildc·Mm9�te6i'Jfi\&1J, • +iJ&1J,t� 1?��-::>kt�1?f.R$���èu*uk o SICIS ti'ii::O)�-3 ,e l.,t2016� ,e� �300� ��;t�i::0)8*0)•*��-���-Y1� �,-ftel,\è�;t"""("\,\*9 o -t-3ut1!t���-�Mm��R�*d�­ O) r•�J tJ,�J�L,teO)�g o i::0)6;tj:l ::i I.,,?� 3��•�0)-•é{J·&né{_)�§��ffi�vl\r