SICIS - Bakst Capsule Collection

20 21 With incredible professionalism, combining ancient artisan techniques with new pictorial languages, the SICIS mosaic masters have been able to recreate the precious effects of Bakst’s drawings. Glossy, opaque, iridescent, and metallic glass materials that reinterpret the rich robes in silk, organza, brocade, and georgette, and the marvellous jewels in metals and precious stones, pearls, and chains with which Léon Bakst loved to adorn the bodies of the dancers. In the Paris of the beginning of the century, artists painted in their Ateliers on the Montmartre hill still dotted with mills and vineyards of magical and bucolic beauty with easels and canvases hidden by heavy fabrics. SICIS imagined that this particular reinterpretation of Léon Bakst’s drawings could be born and evolve with the same attention and care that the great painters devoted to completing their canvases. A feeling of discovery of the artwork, like collectors or patrons visiting the atelier of Léon Bakst, who skilfully offered the slow and coveted unveiling of the artwork. Léon Bakst created this series of sketches in small dimensions, and SICIS’s homage is to have brought them to a scale of 1:1, as if to perceive again the realism of the dancers who, enchanting with their dance, made these costumes immortal.