1 Inspired by the rounded and soft shape of the famous Italian biscuits, our designers have created this iconic system of retro-style lamps, which gives elegance to the environment, with ease. Ispirati dalla forma arrotondata e morbida dei famosi biscotti italiani, i nostri designer hanno realizzato questo iconico sistema di lampade dal gusto retrò, che con leggerezza dona eleganza all’ambiente. designed by Massimialiano Raggi Ceiling lamp Floor lamp Wall Sconce AMARETTO LAMP COLLECTION
5 AMARETTO CEILING LAMP Lampada a sospensione con struttura metallica nelle finiture nichel nero lucido e champagne lucido, vetro decorativo in vetro soffiato nelle due finiture latte e specchio bronzo. Ceiling lamp made with metal structure in polished black nickel and polished champagne finish. Decorative blown glass in white opal and bronze mirror finish. TECHNICAL SPECS MEASURES: W: 45,8 cm x D: 45,8 cm x H: 120 cm - W: 18” x D: 18” x H: 47 ¼” CELING ROSE / ROSONE: Ø: 19 cm - Ø: 7 ½” WEIGHT: 10 Kg PACKING DETAILS: Wooden crate - W: 65 X D: 65 X H: 150 CM - 25 ⅝” x D: 25 ⅝” x H: 59” - Gross Weight: 80 kg - Volume: 0,7 cbm BULB INFORMATION / ATTACCO: 4x5 WATT LED – 2700 ° K - 3400 LUMEN VOLTAGE / TENSIONE: 240 V - Different voltage on request CERTIFICATION/CERTIFICAZIONE: CE
13 TECHNICAL SPECS Lampada da terra con struttura metallica nelle finiture nichel nero lucido e champaagne lucido, vetro decorativo in vetro soffiato nelle due finiture latte e specchio bronzo. Floor lamp made with metal structure in polished black nickel and polished champagne finish. Decorative blown glass in white opal and bronze mirror finish. MEASURES: W: 45,8 cm x D: 45,8 cm x H: 175 cm - W: 18” x D: 18” x H: 68 ⅞” WEIGHT: 10 Kg PACKING DETAILS: Wooden crate - W. 65 cm x D: 65 cm x H: 200 cm - W: 25 ⅝” x D: 25 ⅝” x H: 78 ¾” - Gross Weight: 70 kg - Volume: 0,9 cbm BULB INFORMATION: 4x5 WATT LED – 2700 ° K - 3400 LUMEN VOLTAGE: 240 V - Different voltage on request CERTIFICATION/CERTIFICAZIONE: CE AMARETTO FLOOR LAMP
14 OFF
15 ON
20 OFF
21 ON
23 AMARETTO WALL SCONCE TECHNICAL SPECS Lampada da parete con struttura metallica nelle finiture nichel nero lucido e champagne lucido, vetro decorativo in vetro soffiato nella finitura bianco latte. Wall lamp made with metal structure in polished black nickel and polished champagne finish. Decorative blown white opal glass. MEASURES: W: 45 cm x D: 16 cm x H: 62 - W: 17 ¾” x D: 6 ¼” x H: 24 ¼” WEIGHT: 6 Kg PACKING DETAILS: Wooden Crate - W. 60 cm x D: 77 cm x H: 40 cm - W: 23 ⅝” x D: 30 ⅜” x H: 15 ¾” - Gross Weight: 26 kg - Volume: 0,2 cbm BULB INFORMATION: 3x4 WATT LED – 2700 ° K - 1320 LUMEN VOLTAGE: 240 V - Different voltage on request CERTIFICATION/CERTIFICAZIONE: CE
27 MEASURES: W: 45 cm x D: 16 cm x H: 62 - W: 17 ¾” x D: 6 ¼” x H: 24 ¼” WEIGHT: 6 Kg PACKING DETAILS: Wooden Crate - W. 60 cm x D: 77 cm x H: 40 cm W: 23 ⅝” x D: 30 ⅜” x H: 15 ¾” - Gross Weight: 26 kg - Volume: 0,2 cbm BULB INFORMATION: 3x4 WATT LED – 2700 ° K - 1320 LUMEN VOLTAGE: 240 V - Different voltage on request CERTIFICATION/CERTIFICAZIONE: CE Wall lamp made with metal structure in polished black nickel and polished champagne finish. Decorative blown white opal glass. AMARETTO WALL SCONCE Lampada da parete con struttura metallica nelle finiture nichel nero lucido e champagne lucido, vetro decorativo in vetro soffiato nella finitura bianco latte. MEASURES: W: 45,8 cm x D: 45,8 cm x H: 175 cm W: 18” x D: 18” x H: 68 ⅞” WEIGHT: 10 Kg PACKING DETAILS: Wooden crate - W. 65 cm x D: 65 cm x H: 200 cm - W: 25 ⅝” x D: 25 ⅝” x H: 78 ¾” - Gross Weight: 70 kg - Volume: 0,9 cbm BULB INFORMATION: 4x5 WATT LED – 2700 ° K - 3400 LUMEN VOLTAGE: 240 V - Different voltage on request CERTIFICATION/CERTIFICAZIONE: CE Floor lamp made with metal structure in polished black nickel and polished champagne finish. Decorative blown glass in white opal and bronze mirror finish. AMARETTO FLOOR LAMP Lampada da terra con struttura metallica nelle finiture nichel nero lucido e champaagne lucido, vetro decorativo in vetro soffiato nelle due finiture latte e specchio bronzo. MEASURES: W: 45,8 cm x D: 45,8 cm x H: 120 cm W: 18” x D: 18” x H: 47 ¼” CELING ROSE / ROSONE: Ø: 19 cm - Ø: 7 ½” WEIGHT: 10 Kg PACKING DETAILS: Wooden crate - W: 65 X D: 65 X H: 150 CM - 25 ⅝” x D: 25 ⅝” x H: 59” - Gross Weight: 80 kg - Volume: 0,7 cbm BULB INFORMATION / ATTACCO: 4x5 WATT LED – 2700 ° K - 3400 LUMEN VOLTAGE / TENSIONE: 240 V - Different voltage on request CERTIFICATION/CERTIFICAZIONE: CE Ceiling lamp made with metal structure in polished black nickel and polished champagne finish. Decorative blown glass in white opal and bronze mirror finish. AMARETTO CEILING LAMP Lampada a sospensione con struttura metallica nelle finiture nichel nero lucido e champagne lucido, vetro decorativo in vetro soffiato nelle due finiture latte e specchio bronzo.
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